Rex Story

Rex is a man who consciously decided to be enhanced with technology in order to be able to upgrade humanity’s daily life experiences. Thus his superpower is his innumerable tools that improve smart compatibility and air health beyond classic practices.

Rex constitutes the ultimate answer to smart connectivity and the completion of the smart home concept, hence called the king of smart features. It’s harmonious compatibility with a state-of-the-art smart app controller offers so many interesting tools far beyond temperature settings. With Rex, every feature on a classic remote controller is basically available on the smart app controller of any smart phone, enhanced also by many interesting new additions.


When it comes to fellow humans’ indoor air quality, Rex is as committed. With features such as Built-in Bipolar Ionic Generator (BIG) and UVC Sterilization, Rex generates large volumes of plasma, atoms, and strong oxidization substance, which could damage & kill airborne bacteria and viruses.

Rex Series Story Kanion Co Air Conditioning
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